California Heart Connection
A support and information network for those with congenital heart defects

Copyright  2002-2016 California Heart Connection.  All rights reserved.
California Heart Connection is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which is run solely by volunteers, and is made possible only through donations.  Your contribution will help connect families and adults with heart defects, and provide valuable information to physicians and those living with heart defects.  
All donations are tax deductible.

Yes, we accept credit cards and PayPal!:

Help California Heart Connection while you shop! Referral Fee
Whenever you purchase ANYTHING from  just go to our website first, click on the link, and we automatically receive a referral fee!!  It's that easy! Referral Fee
Whenever you purchase ANYTHING from the over 600 stores, CA Heart Connection receives a referral fee!  Stores include Target, Lands End, Starbucks, Mrs. Fields and hundreds more!  Just click on the link on our home page, or go to: to sign up and start making money for CA Heart Connection! 

Ralph's card - link your shopping card to California Heart Connection and we receive a donation every time you shop!

Spreading the word
Please let friends and family know about us and how they can donate to our organization.  Many employers also like to donate to organizations that have been helpful to their employees  so tell your boss and coworkers about us!  Church groups, youth groups and others can also help us out.  

Your donations allow California Heart Connection to continue to help children and adults with heart defects receive the support and information they need.  And, you'll be amazed as you tell people about California Heart Connection, how many more families you will come across who have been affected by heart defects, and may be glad to learn about our services!

Thank you very much for your support!